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CITB NI, are also working in
partnership with the Department
for Communities Historic
Environment Division, to deliver a
new Heritage Project which will
not only preserve, develop, and
deliver heritage skills supply and
training in Northern Ireland but will
seek to unlock the potential of
developing jobs and employment
in the construction sector. It will
also help raise awareness of our
built heritage, the heritage skills
required and promote the
preservation and development of
traditional crafts and skills. partners including the former NI
Traditional Building Skills Working
As part of the project CITB NI will Group and the NI Heritage Skills
be running a series of training Core and Reference Groups.
session specifically for heritage
skills and development. For further For further information about
details and to book the project or events contact
This 3-year CITB NI heritage For further information on what
project is supported by the Covid we can do to help you and
Recovery Employment and Skills your construction training log
Initiative for Heritage funded by on to, like
the Department for Communities us on Facebook http://www.
and administered by the Heritage
Fund. The project builds on work land or follow the discussion on
undertaken by heritage Twitter @CITBNI and LinkedIn