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   SIG is pleased to be collaborating
   with nationwide supermarket chain
   Morrisons and their Community
   Champions on a project to
   provide much-needed donations
   for local food banks. All across the
   SIG network, select branches will
   be donating supplies via Morrisons
   to their local communities in an
   effort to give back.

   This time of year is a particularly
   challenging one for those who are
   struggling with rising costs which
   make it harder to make ends meet.
   This year the SIG Charity and
   Community team decided that
   it would turn to initiatives which
   could make real change happen
   in the local communities where SIG
   have a presence.                       The partnership sees 54 branches       relationship.
                                          across the SIG estate signing up
   “We wanted to explore working          to the programme. They include         When it comes to offering support,
   with a well-established business to    the specialist businesses,             not every area need is the same
   ensure we get the right support to     Construction Accessories,              and this is a way of really making a
   the right people. I’ve previously      Distribution, and Roofing              difference.”
   worked with Morrisons and its          branches. Each site will then
   Community Champions so I knew          work with their local Community        Joseph Clark-Bland, Community &
   this would be the ideal partnership    Champion to understand and             Foundation Manager at Morrisons,
   to really help our local               donate the types of supplies their     expanded on the value the
   communities” explains Sarah            area needs most.                       support offers. “It’s always great to
   Calvert, HR Manager at SIG UK.                                                see big organisations such as SIG
                                          Louise Morgan, Data Quality            UK wanting to get involved with our
   By working on this initiative with     Administrator at SIG UK who joins      community initiatives. Our
   Morrisons, each nominated branch       Sarah on the Charity and Com-          Community Champions are on
   can donate more effectively to         munity Committee, comment-             the ground in the communities we
   provide the support for their          ed “so much of what we do is           serve and it’s great for them to be
   communities. “The Community            to ensure we’re giving back at         able to join forces with other local
   Champions work with local              every opportunity. For us and SIG,  businesses.”
   charities and stakeholders to find     it’s not about writing a cheque,
   out who needs what most. It’s not      it’s about making meaningful           By the start of December, SIG
   always food donations, sometimes       change happen.”                        branches will be working with their
   it’s cleaning supplies or toiletries.                                         local Morrison Community
   This way, our branches know            “We want to empower our local          Champion to understand the
   exactly what is needed by their        branches to feel they can add to       needs of their area before making
   community.”                            the community and further build        their first donations.

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