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       Sustainable buildings:

       How sustainability adds

       value to your building

       The future of the construction industry
       is green, with the UK government
       announcing plans to achieve net
       zero emissions by 2050. Construction
       companies have also begun to
       consider how to lower their carbon
       footprint. According to a report by
       the WBCSD, the construction industry
       should follow the embodied carbon
       reduction strategy. This means
       repurposing material when possible,
       rather than using raw materials. By
       repurposing materials, construction
       companies can reuse materials
       and minimise waste. This will ensure
       sustainability stays at the forefront of
       This article will explore the importance
       of sustainable buildings within the   How sustainability can add value to   overusing heating. In turn, the amount
       construction sector. We’ll also look at   your building                   of carbon dioxide emitted into the
       how sustainability can add value to   Whether you’re installing carbon-   atmosphere will reduce.
       your building.                       saving gadgets or redesigning
       The importance of sustainable        an entire building, sustainability in   Solar panels will boost the price of
                                                                                 domestic buildings
       buildings                            construction has many forms. Here are   Solar panels harness energy from
       The construction industry is responsible   three ways this will add value to your   the sun and generate electricity to
       for up to 11% of global carbon       building.                            power buildings. As well as being
       emissions. To combat this, the National   Rainscreen cladding will insulate   environmentally conscious, solar
       Engineering Policy Centre stated     buildings                            panels are a cost-effective energy
       that the sector must reduce carbon   A protective layer that sits on the   source. According to a study by the
       emissions by 78% before 2035. This   outside of a building, rainscreen    Green Match, a 6kW solar panel grid
       includes all stages of production,   cladding provides direct protection   can save a homeowner an average
       from sourcing materials to generating   against the weather. The outer    of £430 on electric bills within a year.
       electricity during construction.     layer stops rain, while the inner layer
       The Green Building Council has urged   improves the structural integrity and   This is an attractive selling point to
       the construction industry to limit   insulation of buildings.             anyone!
       emissions of embodied carbon. As     This is a great way to add value     Overall, sustainability adds value
       well as taking part in carbon offsetting   to your building while also being   to your building. Considering its
       projects, the report recommends      environmentally conscious in your    cost-effectiveness and green-
       actions to decarbonise construction.   design. Rainscreen cladding is     attractiveness, we can see why.
       The recommendations include          capable of reducing energy costs     As the government pledges to reach
       retrofitting existing homes, investing   in both domestic and commercial   net zero, the construction industry
       in industrial decarbonisation, and   buildings, saving up to 40% of bills per   continues to adapt to new ways of
       adopting a minimum standard of key   year. As well as being economically   operation. How will you build with
       appliances for new buildings.        conscious, this will stop people     sustainability in mind?                                                               modern  builder - issue 99 11
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